Steffie Bérubé

Steffie Bérubé is Manager of the Mother and Child Program at Portage. This program is dedicated to supporting pregnant women and mothers of children aged 0 to 5 on their journey to recovery. Steffie has worked at the centre for over 12 years, previously working as a specialized educator and addiction counsellor. She has held the position of Program Manager for the past four years, overseeing clinical coordination and supervising addiction counsellors and specialized educators.

She also continues her involvement with the Rond-Point project, a perinatal and family expertise centre for addiction, established in Montreal by partnering with over a dozen organizations dedicated to addiction rehabilitation.

Supporting and nurturing parenthood within the context of addiction to mitigate the impacts of trauma on children’s life trajectories.

Discover innovative parenting programs in the context of addiction (such as Portage’s Mother-and-Child and Rond‑Point). This presentation will be jointly hosted by counsellors who will share their expertise, and women who have utilized these services. They will share their experience and the impact these programs have had on their lives and the lives of their children.

The presentation will also cover:  

  • Effective practices meant to mitigate the traumatic impacts on children in vulnerable environments.

  • The importance of empowering parents to support their children.

  • Providing integrated services to address the needs of both parents and children, fostering a supportive dyadic relationship.

These practices are meant to instill hope by diminishing stigmatization and marginalization, and by breaking the cycle of intergenerational transmission.