International Symposium - Women and Addiction

Fredericton New Brunswick, Canada, March 2022  - Collective efforts between government, private agencies and organizations are crucial in successfully addressing issues of addictions.  This is why Portage Atlantic in collaboration with the International Council on Alcohol and Addiction (ICAA), is hosting an international hybrid symposium in Saint John New Brunswick, Canada on September 22, 23 and 24th  with a focus on women.  Entitled “Women and Addictions” the symposium will concentrate on solutions through the lens of the social determinants of health”.  The ICAA is considering this symposium as the 113th Institute. 

The overarching purpose of the symposium is to further the advance emancipating the “unseen women” in the field of addictions.

All too often, generic treatment responses are offered without regard to the very specific psychosocial determinants that drive women’s addiction problems. The culturally imposed roles and expectations and the resulting judgements and stigma are often treated as an afterthought.

The issues connected with the burden of parenting while addicted and the consequent collateral impact on child development are often overlooked. Best practices designed to remediate late developing parenting skills, family life education and child focused advocacy will all be showcased at the September Symposium. Social service policy, legal biases, economic discrimination all driven by gender inequality will be examined with an eye to redress.

The Symposium, in virtual, focused on catalysing change through informing, sharing and reflection, promises to be an exciting opportunity to promote and to participate in making change. 

Please join us in this important event virtually There are no fees, and to make a difference each participant be that agent of change that makes the difference.

To learn more about the symposium, the program, the speakers or to register virtually, visit 

ABOUT Portage: 

Portage is a Canadian non-profit organization that helps people suffering from substance use disorders (SUD) to overcome their dependencies and live healthy, happy, and productive lives. Since 1970, Portage has helped tens of thousands of people to take back control of their lives with its specialized drug rehabilitation programs for adolescents, adults, pregnant women and mothers with children, the indigenous community, adults with mental health issues, and individuals referred by the justice system. The organization has helped establish treatment programs and has trained personnel in over 15 countries, including the United States, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, China, Bermuda and various Caribbean nations.  Portage is accredited by Accreditation Canada; most recently in 2021 achieving the highest honours. 


The International Council on Alcohol and Addictions, of which Portage is a long-time member, is one of the oldest non-governmental organisations active in the field of dependencies. Having celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2007, ICAA continues to be dedicated to preventing and reducing the harmful use and effects of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and addictive behaviours on individuals, families, communities and society.

For more information: 

Carol Tracey
Director of Corporate Development
Portage Atlantic